Why to kill Common IQ by GODI & Lutyens Media? Delhi Riots with Different Angle!
Biasedness make a pre perception and what we can observe during todays scenario after Delhi Riots. One hand Godi Media try to save Government while in another hand Lutyens Media crying to save oppositions and alleged farmers involved in activity held in Delhi on republic day of India.
This matter is little bit serious at different point of prospect, I would like to recall an event / riots in Delhi last year. Yes dated 23rd Feb 2020, we already witnessed riots in Delhi.
Common Phenomena in Both Serial Delhi Riots
Yes ! Are not we in a position to link both the riots! Why ? Both the riots have co-incidentally happened when “one of the renown personality” visited our country! Is not it!
First time guest was US President and Second Time UK PM. So can we connect both the incidence! In both events either its 23rd Feb 2020 or 26th Jan 2021, the crowd was pre minded to destroy the image of Indian Govt by any how. Remember, mob dont have any faces , so how government or citizen of the country took so lethargic approach towards both the incident.
If we are not beware , that happened in calculative manner, such incidence can be repetitive. Might be happened when next guest planning to come to India.
This is what I would like to highlight, rest things can be diagnosed by the Govt Agencies.
Hope we will be unbiased while reporting to National Agenda
Vikas Mishra
(Above article and video is my personnel opinion)
great observation